

PBGVCA Hunt Executive Committee

Mary Fluke, DVM (NC/SC), Chairperson drowsymary@gmail.com
Nick Reading, (NJ) nreading14@comcast.net
Vickie Willmann (IN/WI) tvlwill@aol.com
Brianne Major-Weber, (TX) briannemajor@gmail.com
Char Allmann, past Chairperson, char.allmann@gmail.com

Hunt Records Archivist & Documents
Robert Sweeney, rjsweeney2020@gmail.com
760 Whittle Pond Rd
Williston, SC 29853

PBGVCA Board Liaison
Bruce Toenjes, btoenjes@gmail.com

The first version of the Hunting Instinct Test was approved by the PBGVCA Board of Directors in May of 2000. The PBGVCA Hunt Test Rules and Standard Procedures was approved in 2008, revised in 2010, 2015, and most recently in 2022.

The PBGVCA hunt program has expanded to include venues in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Wisconsin.

AKC Parent Club Performance Title Recognition is available for Parent Club Junior, Senior, and Master Hunter titles.

To see our PBGVs in action see the following videos.

Enjoy learning about the joy of hunting with your PBGV Click Here.
Skycastle PBGV’s Hunting in West Chester, PA Click Here
PBGVs Hunting in North Carolina & Wisconsin Click Here

Common Hunt Test Questions

What should I bring for my dog?2023-09-06T13:20:45+00:00

You’ll need a safe place to confine your dog when not on the field, either a crate or an ex-pen. A portable shelter or shade cloth comes in handy if the day is hot. Make sure to bring water, food, bowls, treats, etc. Hunt collars are provided if you don’t have your own. If you want to leave your collar on your dog be sure to remove hanging tags or tape them to the collar. A flat lead is easier to manage in the field than a retractable lead, plus you can clip it around your torso so your hands will be free.

Your dog is going to get dirty on the field. Bring towels and grooming equipment, maybe even a grooming table. You’ll find that it’s easy to brush out the dirt and twigs once the dog is dry. (Removing the mats before the dog goes on the field can help a lot.) Ticks can be a problem in late fall and early spring so check with your vet about what products to use and be prepared to pull ticks off your dog.

What should I do to prepare for the hunt test?2023-09-06T13:27:17+00:00

First, read the rules. If you are new to the program, it won’t all sink in right away, but you need to try to understand the basics. Read the premium list carefully and contact the chairperson or secretary of the hunt you plan to attend if you have questions.

Second, make sure you and your dog are in good enough shape for this activity. Dogs who are overweight and out of shape have a harder time than dogs that are fit and healthy, so think about some extra walks and maybe some calorie regulation if needed. Make sure you address your own fitness so you don’t get hurt when you are out on the field.

Check out this handout for some other ideas about how to get your dog ready for hunting.

What does PLE/NLE mean?2023-09-06T13:31:58+00:00

Most hunts offer a non-regular class called a Puppy Learning Experience (PLE) or a Novice Learning Experience (NLE) as part of the practice day before the official trial begins. The goals of the PLE/NLE are to provide mentoring to new handlers on how to work with their dogs on the field (how to get the dogs into cover, how to recognize when the dogs are scenting, etc.) and to provide guided experience for the dog. The PLE/NLE is highly recommended for all new handlers.

(Note that puppies under 6 months can be out on the field during the practice day but cannot be entered in the trial.)

What is “roll call”?2023-09-06T13:32:54+00:00

Roll call is held first thing in the morning on trial day so that the secretary can confirm that the entered dogs are on the hunt grounds and ready to hunt. If you and your dog are not present for roll call, you won’t be able to hunt your dog that day. Don’t be late!

What is “the draw”?2023-09-06T13:35:13+00:00

All the packs, braces, solos, and HITs are posted on a board at roll call. A handler from each run draws a number that determines the run order. Once the draw is complete, the run order is set for the day (no changes). Every handler has an equal chance of getting the first run, which is why all the dogs have to be present at roll call. Do not be late for roll call or the draw or you won’t get to hunt your dog!!!!!

Can I skip my run if I have to leave?2023-09-06T13:37:19+00:00

This is actually against the rules. If you enter the hunt and answer “present” at roll call, you should only miss your run for a serious reason (like a broken leg, or a heart attack). If your travel plans require that you leave before the end of the trial day, you should consider whether or not to enter the hunt. If you do have to leave before your run time, you need to tell the hunt chairperson and secretary ASAP. (It matters because the absence of your dog may create a problem for how the rest of that pack is judged.)

What should I do when I’m not out on my hunt test run with my dog?2023-09-06T13:39:05+00:00

There’s a lot to learn by watching the dogs hunt. Volunteer to marshal or go out on runs as part of the gallery (read the rules for proper gallery etiquette).

If you need a break from traipsing around on the field, you can always “sit long and talk dogs” with your new hunting friends.

How should I maintain records for my dog’s hunt tests?2023-09-06T13:44:07+00:00

Once your run is over, the secretary will enter the scores and generate a summary sheet for each handler. Keep the sheet for your records and check the hunt score database on the PBGVCA website a few weeks after the hunt to make sure the records are accurate. You can keep your summary sheets in a binder or set up a spreadsheet to keep track of your dog’s records.

You could also keep a journal that includes specifics about what happened on the individual runs (the first time you heard your dog give voice, how many rabbits he started, whether he found the “check,” whether he harked in to his running mates).

How do I get a title for my dog?2023-09-06T13:50:57+00:00

Once your dog has fulfilled the requirements for a specific title (requirements listed on pages 7 and 9 of the rules), fill out the Hunt Title Request Form and follow the instructions on how to send it to the Hunt Archivist who will check the application for accuracy and confirm that the title has been approved. Hunt title certificates are prepared for distribution at the National Specialty in the spring of the year after the title was earned (or sent to the handler after the National).

My dog has earned a PBGVCA Hunt Title—how do I apply for the AKC Parent Club Performance Title2023-09-06T13:57:58+00:00

Go to the AKC website and fill out the Parent Club Performance Title application. AKC will confirm with the PBGVCA Hunt Archivist that the title has been earned and then will send you an updated AKC certificate. The AKC Parent Club Performance Title Program recognizes Parent Club Junior Hunter, Senior Hunter, and Master Hunter titles only.

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