Club History
The Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen Club of America was formed at the AKC Centennial Show in Philadelphia in November 1984. Eleven individuals, representing several states and a variety of breeds, but all with years of experience in dogs, constituted the foundation of the national club. A bimonthly newsletter was started, which has now grown to the quarterly Saber Tails magazine.
Much was accomplished in the first years of the club’s existence. By the end of 1985, the PBGVCA had grown from 11 to 50 members. A breed standard had been accepted, the constitution and by laws adopted and a stud book and registry set up. The club also notified to AKC of its intent to work toward eventual AKC recognition.
The first national club event was held in Kentucky on March 16, 1986, during the tenth anniversary celebration of the Louisville Kennel Club. Fifteen Petits came from all over the United States to compete.
In 1987, the second annual meeting of the club and the first National Specialty were held in Louisville. Twenty-four Petits were entered, and 22 shown. Best of Breed was Axmos Don Ranudo de la Garonne.
On July 1, 1989, the PBGV became eligible to compete in AKC Miscellaneous classes. Belray Sirhan Braconnier was the first PBGV to gain an AKC title, earning his Companion Dog obedience degree nine days later.
Axmos Fagin de la Garonne went down in the record books as the first PBGV to earn an AKC championship. In 1992, 24 champion Petits represented their breed at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club show for the first time, with Jomil Ultra bearing away the laurels for the first Best of Breed there.
In 2000, a Hunting Instinct Test was approved by the Board of the PBGVCA, the title Hunting Instinct Certified is granted by the PBGVCA and is designated by the suffix title HC in all PBGVCA records. In March of 2001, PBGV owners from across the country and their hounds gathered in Concord, NC for the first Hunting Instinct Test. Then, in 2006, the PBGVCA approved a Junior Hunter Test designated by the suffix title JH in all PBGVCA records. The PBGVCA and its Hunt Committee continues its endeavor to reward those who strive to retain this breeds natural hunting instinct.