Summer 2017  Saber Tails 85    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

tificate indicating the rating your dog received.  You will 

no longer be given a CHIC number.  That’s it.  

Let me be clear, I am not upset with Laura Liscum.  I believe 

Laura’s contributions to the club are invaluable!  However, 

I am very disappointed about how this entire situation 

has progressed and how the health committee handled 

this very important discussion.  The time for any rebuttal 

was 18 months ago when we were researching and reach-

ing out to people to present counter arguments.  I tried 

very hard during my brief two year tenure as President 

to bring this club closer together.  I feel instead we may 

have grown farther apart.  This club will not survive (and 

I feel VERY strongly about that) if we engage in a point/

counter-point chess match.  That is not in the best interest 

of the breed and it doesn’t serve our club members at all. 

This response was written and shared with the Officers 

and Board of Directors.  At this time, we have researched, 

made a decision, published said decision, withdrawn 

from CHIC as a result of the organization’s refusal to honor 

the club’s decision, have had post-decision feedback from 

the health committee disagreeing with the BOD decision, 

and have had a counter point to that feedback presented.  

It’s time for this topic to be put to bed for the time being, 

in the interest of the club.  

- Tiffany 


If anyone knows of a PBGVCA member who 

has lost a loved one, is sick or is just in need of 

cheering up, the PBGVCA would like to send a 

card expressing our best wishes.  Contact the 

Hallmark Committee Chair, Sandy Bustin at  Sandy will make sure a 

card is sent on behalf of the membership.  This 

Hallmark service is free for our members.  Help 

us let them know they are not alone during 

their difficult time.

Murphy is always on a squirrel hunt wherever we go.  

There is a lot of wildlife where we live, and Murphy usu-

ally sees a deer or occasional fox or raccoon as well on our 

outings so he is most entertained whenever we go out.  

We also live close to a farm so whenever we leave the is-

land and have Murphy with us in the car he will not allow 

us to go past the road where the cows, sheep, goats and 

chickens live.  We always pull off the road and let him lean 

out the window so he can say hello to his farm friends! 

7.  What characteristics do you most appreciate about 



We most enjoy his sheer happiness with life and his good 

natured personality!  Murphy loves eve-ryone and gets 

so excited when he sees people when they come to our 

home or when we are out.  He always wants to go up and 

say hello.  Murphy is also very smart.  He was trained with-

in 24 hours to ring a bell when he needed to go to the 

bathroom, and he also learns tricks very quickly.  Murphy 

has so many wonderful tricks he can do, but my favorite 

is when he sits straight up with his front paws in the air 

when I say “Stick ‘em up!”, and then falls over and rolls on 

his back when I say “Bang!”.   Whoever sees him do this 

trick is most impressed!  There are so many little wonder-

ful idiosyncrasies Murphy has that make him unique, and 

he is by far the most entertaining and fun little guy we 

have ever had the pleasure of knowing.

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