Summer 2017  Saber Tails 71    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

and Heather Helmer who graciously transport them in 

their RV (in addition to all Top 20 decorations, select raffle 

items, and all Top 20 supplies).  By the time our National 

begins, Pam Helmer, my dedicated and inspiring co-chair, 

and I have had so many phone conferences and meetings 

at her home that I could set my car on auto-pilot (a 4 hr 

round trip).   At this point we  contact our rosette specialist 

to select a new head and colors,  and information for the 

individual streamers is emailed with a shipping deadline 

and location coordinated.

Upon arrival at the National, there is still lots to do.  The 

raffle items have to be displayed at the Welcome Party 

for beginning ticket sales, raffle tickets need to be sold, 

the judges are secretly welcomed as each arrives, and last 

minute preparations go on for hours. The culmination 

of months of preparations and meetings finally comes 

together.  The event this year was the most spectacular 

ever thanks to Bev Childs.  The lighting, entry arch 

(expertly decorated by Shelly Barclay and friends), music 

coordination, etc. was orchestrated and organized by Bev.  

She had amazing ideas and was able to pull it all together 

to provide an evening to remember.

We owe a huge “Thank You” to:  Bev Childs, Pam Helmer, 

Leigh Page our raffle specialist, Mary Ann Morey our 

gracious rosette sponsor, Jackie Petronglo our volunteer 

calligrapher, Rau Dog Shows for printing our catalog, Tina 

Kocar our rosette specialist, each raffle donor, our Top 20 

exhibitors and the 110 club members and their guests 

who attended this year.

You all did a great job and really made this event ROCK!

Sue Smyth and Pam Helmer, PBGVCA Top 20 Co-Chairs

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