Recipe Corner

Apple Frozen Treats


2 Apples of any variety

1 cup plain Greek yogurt


Ice cube trays


Core and seed two apples of any variety

Cut apples into chunks

Blend apple chunks, yogurt and a splash of water in blender until smooth.  

Continue to add water until the mixture is thin and smooth.

Pour into ice cube trays and place trays in freezer until frozen.  

Suggestions and Warnings

Finished apple treats will be sticky.  You might be wise to give your dog these 

treats outdoors or on a hard tile surface that is easy to clean.

Use old apples that have gotten too soft or old to eat yourself.

Warning:  Use full fat, full sugar yogurt - DO NOT USE SUGAR FREE OR FAT FREE 

YOGURT.  These may contain added sweeterners and chemicals that are 

extremely dangerous to dogs.