18 Saber Tails Summer 2017

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

The 2017 National started off with two agility trials on 

Tuesday April 25


.  The trials had drawn a good entry of 

42 runs at each trial.  One of the pit falls of an outside agil-

ity trial is you are at the mercy of Mother Nature.  The day 

started off with overcast skies and a sprinkle of rain here 

and there.  As the day went on the rain and clouds left 

to be replaced by the sun and temperatures in the low 

80’s.  Not ideal for doing agility but the dogs and handlers 

made the best of it.  

Trial #1 Time to Beat was run first followed by Trial #2 

Time to Beat.  Then Standard Trial #1 and Trial #2 and last-

ly Jumpers Trial #1 and #2.  Having two trials in one day 

makes for a very long day for the dogs and handlers who 

are also working to build the courses.  Local Trial Secre-

tary Tina Eastman was a great help in getting several of 

her local agility club members to come out and help with 

course builds.  

A short lunch break was taken after all the Standard class-

es finished.  Pizza and soda was brought in by hospital-

ity chair Michael Edwards for lunch in the club house.  

After lunch, spectators and participants took cover from 

the sun under a couple of large trees close to the ring to 

watch the last of the day’s runs.  Then back to the club 

house for presentation of the Regional and National class 

placement rosettes and trophies along with the High in 

Trials.  Congratulations to all the participants and winners.    

Agility is designed to demonstrate a dog’s willingness 

to work with his handler in a variety of situations. It is an 

athletic event that requires conditioning, concentration, 

training, and teamwork. Dogs and handlers must negoti-

ate an obstacle course while racing against the clock. It 

is a great form of exercise for both dog and handler but 

most importantly— it’s a fun way to bond. 

You don’t have to compete to enjoy agility. Many people 

start the sport just for fun, only to get bitten by the agility 

bug and become lifelong competitors!

The Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen (PBGV) Club of Ameri-

ca held its Annual Eastern Regional and National Agility 

Trials on March 28, 2017, at the Piedmont Kennel Club 

Showplace, Charlotte, NC. The site was outdoors on a 

grass surface. This was particularly challenging for the 

PBGV as they are notorious scent hounds—used for hunt-

ing small game.  With the trial being held outdoors and 

Regional High in Trial was won by “Ben” 

PACH3 Brenda’s 


MHX RHX   Owned by Paul and Carole Urban and handled 

by Paul.

National High in Trial was won by “Chili” MACH5 Clancy’s 

Capsaicin Rush VCD2 RAE MXB3 MJB3 OF T2B RHX CGCA   

Owned by Megan and David Esherick and handled by  



Vickie Willmann                                                                                                         

2017 National Agility Chair 


2017 National Agility Report

By Vickie Willmann

PBGVCA Regional and National Specialties Judge’s Remarks

Agility Trials

AKC Judge: Bob Jeffers – Odessa FL

the grass being wet—this  was a great challenge in and 

of itself for these small hunters; however, their instinct to 

sniff was overcome by great handling from experienced 

agility trainers and handlers.  Great runs were had by all 

who competed – from Novice to Master level…What a 

“Great JOB”!!!

There were 11 Master/Excellent, 3 Open, and 4 Novice 

dogs that ran very challenging courses in Time 2 Beat, 

Standard, and Jumpers with Weaves classes.  The qualifi-

cation rate was very good for an outside trial.

High Scoring Dog
High Scoring Dog in Trial was awarded on the basis of 

the highest score of 100. If there was a tie for the highest 

score, then the dog with the most yards per second pre-

vailed.  The winners of this prestigious honor were:

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