Summer 2017  Saber Tails 15    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

have at least one to take home.  Some members dressed in 

their PJs to qualify for additional prizes and the Lacey Ken-

nel group even dressed in their rabbit onesies!  This was a 

fun way for owners and their dogs not entered in the Na-

tional Hunt Test to use their nose and try “indoor hunting.”  

The PBGVs and their handlers had a great time.  Thanks to 

Wendy for having plenty of prizes to go around.

Thursday came and, thanks to Conformation Chair Barbara 

Pepper, Chief Ring Steward Anne Gallant and Ring Stew-

ard Sue Smyth, we kicked off the Regional.  Trophy Chair 

Sandy Bustin did a beautiful job with the Regional trophies 

featuring the 2017 show logo. Sandy also co-sponsored 

the pillows for top Regional wins with PBGVCA member 

Deborah Dobie.  Debby designed and sewed the trophy 

pillows in true French Rabbit tradition.  A qualifying trophy 

and rosette was presented to each placing PBGV.  Puppy 

and Veteran Sweepstakes were first and judged by Anja 

Mellema from the Netherlands.  Also offered was the 4-6 

month old Beginner Puppy Class judged by Carol Brown. 

A number of puppies received their first taste of the show 

ring and had a rollicking good time.  Junior Showmanship, 

the Breed Classes, and Best of Breed were then judged by 

Ellen Frost. 

After conformation, it was time for Carol Mett to judge 

Obedience and Rally.  Chair Mike Williquette with helpers 

Tony Childs, Ross Litman, Gary Wood and Paul Urban over-

saw the change out of the ring.  Even though PBGVs are 

sometimes known for not being obedient, 10 out of the 

20 entered in Obedience qualified.  In Rally there were 39 

entered with 29 qualifying. 

Thursday evening was filled with the Awards Banquet 

chaired by Beverly Childs with a fun Power Point created 

by Joan Burke.  Committee member Vickie Willman helped 

with keeping everything in order for this special night. 

Awards night is always a fun dinner recognizing PBGVs 

earning AKC titles in 2016.  It is topped off by recognizing 

the Number One PBGV in Agility, Conformation, Obedi-

ence and Rally.  Once again Hospitality Co-Chairs Michael 

Edwards and Fran Keeley changed up the crown center-

pieces with a fun look. 

Friday morning began with National Obedience and Rally 

judged again by Carol Mett.  Eight out of 22 entered quali-

fied with Coolspring Bonnie Bluebell PCSH CDX RAE com-

pleting her Utility Dog Obedience Title. The Obedience 

High in Trial was a different PBGV at the Regional and Na-

tional. Rally had 41 entered with 29 qualifying. 

After Obedience and Rally on Friday, a number of educa-

tional seminars were offered along with the PBGV DNA 

blood draw and the eye clinics chaired by Mary Fluke, DMV. 

Maintaining Your PBGV was presented by PBGV Breeder of 

Merit Jan Zigich demonstrating grooming techniques for 

the head and ears.  Noted PBGV Breeder and AKC Judge 

Nick Frost hosted a seminar on the PBGV Standard.  Judge 

Frost has bred 143 PBGV Champions during the past 40 

years.  His presentation focused on type and what makes 

the PBGV the hound it is.  Dr. Natasha Jaskiewicz, BS, DC, 

CAC – The Animal Chiro – presented on restoring the 

body’s ability to function at its optimal potential by using 

gentle adjustments to correct imbalances that interfere 

with the nervous system.  Judges education and ring side 

mentoring was also a big component of our Nationals and 

was presented by the lovely “Kitty” Steidel.  Kitty’s Judges 

Education is a staple of each PBGV National. 

Friday night was held ringside as we celebrated the 30th 

PBGV National and the Top 20 competition.  The room was 

awash with purple lighting as PBGVCA member Nick Frost 

and the Blue Ridge Combo played during the Cocktail 

hour.  The “Night of Celebration” was sponsored by Dina 

Manship Planche, Lynne and Mark Florian, Jeanne and 

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