58 Saber Tails Spring 2017

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America



The following publishing guidelines were discussed and agreed upon by the Board of Directors and Club Officers at the 

Mid-Year Board Meeting in Reno, Nevada in October 2016.  These may be revised or enhanced as applicable.  The Board 

wished to establish guidelines regarding the publishing of advertisements, articles and other publicly facing materials 

published in any club sponsored forum such as Saber Tails and pbgv.org as well as public forums such as AKC Gazette, 

Public Education materials, etc.  

Editor and Editorial Committee

• The PBGVCA will staff an Editorial Committee to oversee publishing of articles and advertisements in club related 

communications other than those having to do with Public Education and Judge’s Education which are the subject 

of other committees.

• The Editorial Committee will contribute quarterly in the way of proof reading Saber Tails and other publications 

such as AKC Gazette article.  It will not have regularly scheduled meetings but will be called to convene in the event 

of a question regarding a particular article or advertisement.

• The editorial committee will consist of a minimum of four (4) members at all times consisting of the Editor, Assistant 

Editor, Board Member and Non-Board Member.

• Editor does not have the exclusive control over content.  The editor ‘reports’ to the Editorial Committee which is a 

committee put into place and under the direction and enforcement of the Board of Directors.

• No Editor will be paid for the role of Editor.  However, the PBGVCA will provide appropriate publishing software to 

the Editor for the tenure of the position if the editor does not already possess such software.  These expenses must 

be approved by the Board of Directors as do any expenditures made on behalf of the Club.  Editing software will 

not be acquired for the Editor if that Editor is using a software for other paid purposes (such as outside ad design or 


• No ad designer creating ads for Saber Tails on behalf of the club may charge for ads created for use in Saber Tails 

unless they are contracted outside their role on the advertising or editorial staff/committee.


• Ads may be placed in Saber Tails by members for the published rate available in Saber Tails and on pbgv.org

• Ads may be placed by non-members for 150% the published member rate and at the discretion of the Editorial 


• All ads submitted with a claim must include the source for that claim and the period for the claim (i.e. if a claim is 

made that the advertised PBGV is the #1 PBGV, claim must be specific and cite source and period – such as #1 PBGV 

in Breed Points, Canine Chronicle, through February 2017). 

• Ads must conform in size and reproducibility as stated in the Ad Guidelines in Saber Tails and on pbgv.org.  For in-

stance, photos submitted for use in ads must be 300 DPI or greater and in CMYK format (as opposed to RGB which 

is common for digital ads) or must be correctable to those using a photo shop software to ensure a quality image is 

available for publication.

• Completed ads provided by the advertiser must be print ready including a “0p9” (or 0.16 inch) bleed area or pdfs 

provided must be high res print quality/publisher print quality.  Ads designed using InDesign may be sent as a ‘Pack-

age’ that must include the high res print along with the links, fonts and photo files zipped and dropped to the Editor 

or Assistant Editor in Drop Box.

• Ads created by the PBGVCA advertising staff will be created with direction from the advertiser related to any 

thoughts on look and feel, wording to be displayed on the ad and photos to be featured in the ad. Proofs will be sent 

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