50 Saber Tails Spring 2016

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

Constitution and ByLaws - Proposed Changes

prepared by Jo Quintenz on behalf of the PBGVCA Officers & Board of Directors

In April 2011 a committee was formed to review and, if appropriate, revise the existing CBL.  Initially, the intent was to ‘modernize’ 

the documents to take advantage of advances in technology and to address some areas that were either outdated or difficult to 

interpret.  Over the next few years the committee, in conversation with the Board of Directors, produced a proposed revised CBL 

that addressed those goals and incorporated a new type of membership intended to improve the recruitment and retention of 

membership on which the Club relies for it’s financial base.  After the Board’s tentative approval of the changes, the committee 

submitted the document to the AKC for approval.  The current proposal, should it be approved by the membership, has been ac-

cepted by the AKC.  

Shortly after you receive the March Saber Tails, you will be asked to approve the revised CBL by mail-in ballot.   The revision is 

presented in a format that has the current CBL on the left hand side of the page and the corresponding proposed revision on the 

right hand side.  The two versions are ‘keyed’ as follows:  Bold sections indicate an addition  or change to the current CBL,  Strike 

through indicates a deletion.


Constitution Article I  - Name and Objects  

Section 1. The name of this Club shall be the Petit Bas-

set Griffon Vendéen. Club of America Inc, hereinafter 

known as the Club.

Section 2. The purposes of the Club shall be:

 a. To encourage and promote quality in the breeding 

of the purebred Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen and to 

do all possible to enhance their natural qualities 

and to ensure the future soundness and health of 

the breed.

b. To encourage members and breeders to be guid-

ed by the Standard of the Breed as approved by the 

Club as the only standard of excellence for the breed.

c. To do all in its power to protect and advance the 

interests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike 

competition at dog shows, performance events, agil-

ity events, obedience trials, and field trials.

d. To urge members to abide by the Club Code of 

Best Practices.

e. To conduct American Kennel Club sanctioned 

events under rules and Regulations of the American 

Kennel Club.

f. To promote/encourage the development of local 

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen clubs where possible.

Section 3. The Club shall not be conducted or oper-

ated for profit and no part of any profit or remainder 

or residue from dues or donations to the Club or from 

Club sponsored events shall inure to the benefit of 

any member or individual.  

Section 4. The members of the Club shall adopt and 

may from time to time revise such Bylaws as may be 

required to carry out these objectives.


Consitution Article I  - Name and Objects  

Section 1. The name of this Club shall be the Petit Basset 

Griffon Vendéen Club of America, hereinafter known as 

the Club.

Section 2. The purposes of the Club shall be:

a.To encourage and promote quality in the breeding of 

the purebred Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen and to do all 

possible to bring their natural qualities to perfection.

b.To urge members and breeders to accept the Stan-

dard of the Breed as approved by the Club as the only 

standard of excellence for the breed.

c.To do all in its power to protect and advance the inter-

ests of the breed by encouraging sportsmanlike compe-

tition at dog shows, performance events, agility events, 

obedience trials, and field trials.

d.To urge members to abide by the Club Code of Con-


e.To conduct American Kennel Club sanctioned events 

under rules and Regulations of the American Kennel 


Section 3. The Club shall not be conducted or oper-

ated for profit and no part of any profit or remainder 

or residue from dues or donations to the Club or from 

Club sponsored events shall inure to the benefit of any 

member or individual.  

Section 4. The members of the club shall adopt and may 

from time to time revise such Bylaws as may be required 

to carry out these objectives

Cont’d p 51, LEFT column

Cont’d p 51, RIGHT column