Spring 2016  Saber Tails 35    

Petit Basset Griffon VendĂ©en Club of America

2016 National Specialty Report:  Vickie Willmann has sent 

contracts to the judges for the 4-6 month puppy class 

and junior showmanship. Committee met for the Triath-

lon to determine rules, awards, etc. Vickie reported that 

the Wisconsin Hunt Raffle monies would be donated to 

the National.  

MOTION: #10-15-02 (Cohen, seconded Swaine) Move to 

approve the Triathlon as described in Saber Tails.  Motion 

passed with Henson abstaining.

2017 National Specialty Report:   Pam reported Beverly is 

producing a video that will highlight events that will be 

at the National. Approval to use Agility equipment is still 

not firm.

2018 National Specialty Report:  Pam discussed she had 

found a Hotel in San Diego as a possibility but it was very 

expensive. Our consultant has not been able to find a 

location where a Club member would be willing to be 

the Show Chair.  Other locations were discussed but there 

are difficulties finding a location without having a Show 



Pam reported about a dog in foster care was reported to 

have bite issues. Pam offered to take the dog back but 

the foster wanted to keep working with the dog.  Unfor-

tunately the foster was injured during a dog fight and 

had to receive medical care. The foster is asking the Club 

to pay her outstanding bill.  This issue will also be consid-

ered by the Health and Rescue Foundation at their next 

meeting on October 20th. Lindley suggested we table 

this discussion until after the Foundation meets and we 

can discuss further at the Mid Year Meeting. 

Karen Clugston joined the Call.


Karen discussed concerns about Trophy replacements 

and retirements according to Club policies.  One trophy 

has been retired and Karen has not received a photo or 

detailed description of the replacement trophy within the 

prescribed time frame.  She will work on getting a photo 

or drawing by the November 9th Board meeting. Karen 

would like to suggest that we bundle a Show DVD with 

any trophy donation. Further discussion will take place 

at the Mid Year meeting.

Saber Tails: 

Bob reported the deadline for Saber Tails is November 

15.  Issue should come out in early December. Tiffany 

asked Jo to check to see if Vivienne Phillips’ article had 

been received.

Old Business: 


Revised Hunt Budget:  Vickie reported we made about 

$300 at the Wisconsin Hunt.  She has revised the budget 

for the Indiana Hunt.

MOTION: #10-15-03 (Holoubek, second Cohen):  Move 

to accept the revised November Indiana Hunt Budget.  

Motion passed.

Vickie reported the venue for the Carlisle field is no 

longer available for the New Jersey Hunt. A new venue 

is being sought. An online BOD vote will take place as 

soon as the venue is found.

Mid Year Meeting:  Tiffany asked about ideas for the mid 

year meeting.  Budget, Health & Rescue, Membership, 

Constitution and By-Laws Revision, Committees will 

have their own block of time discussion. Liaisons need 

to get with their committees for budget requests.

Next Meeting:  Mid-Year Meeting October 23-24, 2015

MOTION: #10-15-04 (Holoubek, second Megli) Move to 

adjourn.  Meeting adjourned at 9:26 p.m. Central. 

Online Votes after the BOD Conference Call on October 

12, 2015.

MOTION: #10-15-05 (Swaine, second Holoubek) Move to 

reimburse Sue Smyth in the amount of $268.69 for logo 

stemware for the 2016 Top 20 event. Motion passed. 

(This expense will be in the 2016 Top 20 Budget.)