20 Saber Tails Spring 2016

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

Meet Our Members


ith each quarterly edition of Saber Tails, we want to introduce members of our club.  We have prepared a set of 

questions for each person to answer to help members get to know other PBGV Lovers.  Our membership is com-

prised of such unique people from all over the world with such a wide variety of experiences.  But we all have one thing 

in common - We LOVE Our PBGVs.  This month, meet Shelley Barclay who lives in New York City, Tom & Diane Shupe from 

Grove, Oklahoma and Katherine Howell from San Antonio, Texas.  

Shelley Barclay

Shelley Barclay and her partner Mona Stiles currently reside in New York City, NY with their PBGV ‘Homer.’  Shelley works as a 
Lead Set Decorator, currently on the popular television series “Blacklist.”


hen did you get your first PBGV?    

We got our first PBGV in 1995 from Jeff & Barbara Pepper.  Flora Kate (MACH Pepperhill’s Queen Flora Kate) was the 

3rd PBGV ever to receive a MACH title in Agility.  She was followed by Annie (Pepperhill’s Tousled Annie) who was quite 

content to be a cheerleader.  We lost Flora Kate in 2009 and Annie in 2011.  Happily, Homer (GCH Tetu’s Mister Homer) 

came to live with us in December of 2011.


ow did you find out about PBGVs?

I have a work friend that wanted a PBGV who showed me pictures of actress Mary Tyler Moore’s PBGV named ‘Dud-

ley.’   Through a network of different people, we came across the Peppers who had a litter.  We went to ‘look’ and came 

home with our new little girl, Flora Kate.


hat other Pets have you had?

Growing up, I always had dogs:  mixed breeds, cocker spaniel, beagle, dachsunds, bearded collie, etc.  We’ve never 

had another dog at the same time as our PBGVs but the peebs get along great with my mother’s terrier mix and other 

dogs in the neighborhood.


ow long have you been involved in the club?

I think I’ve been involved in the club since 1996.  I’ve served on the health com-

mittee and have been involved in helping to create ads for Saber Tails.

What activities do you enjoy with your PBGVs?

have done basic obedience with them and some agility, of course.  We are show-

ing Homer in conformation now - which I enjoy when he wins.  I have begun 

training with him on and off in agility and hope to start that in the spring.  Every-

one in our neighborhood in NYC knows Homer, so I mostly enjoy just hanging out 

with him.


hat do you most enjoy about your PBGV and do you find them to 

be different than other dogs?

I most enjoy their happiness and find them to be way more entertaining than oth-

er dogs I’ve had in the past.