Spring 2016  Saber Tails 15    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

Westminster 2016

by Tiffany Cannon


or many of us, Westminster is the dog show that 

started it all.  Easily, the most recognized show in the 

United States, Westminster was probably the way most 

of our club members and PBGV owners were intro-

duced to our wonderful breed.  I certainly would never 

have known of their existence if not for seeing them 

proudly gaiting around Madison Square Garden from 

the comfort of my living room.  Long before getting my 

first show dog, my personal bucket list included attend-

ing Westminster in person.  This year, I am able to put a 

check in the ‘Completed’ column for that wish.


he AKC has worked to expand this big and well-at-

tended show over the past few years moving breed 

judging to the Piers from Madison Square Garden, 

adding Meet the Breeds, Agility trials, Obedience etc.  

Consequently, the show has gone through some clunky 

adjustments...but overall, I think it is working well.  For 

the exhibitors who attend in person, I know there are 

still a lot of rough spots that need adjusting to make the 

showing experience more seamless and ‘user-friendly.’ 

But I am impressed with the experience of the show for 

the general public.  New additions to the show are be-

ing made every year to bring it more in line with some 

of the bigger international shows and, while it will take 

a while to work out the kinks, the public seems to be 

responding very positively and comes out in droves!


his year, Westminster officially kicked off on Saturday 

with Meet the Breeds.  I will admit, and you will see 

if you read the Board Meeting notes, that the PBGVCA 

originally turned down the invitation to participate in this 

pre-show event.  There are A LOT of rules imposed by the 

show committee and the city about when participants 

must arrive, be set up and ready to meet the public, how 

long they must stay and when they must be completely 

vacated, where they must park, etc.  There are also some 

significant costs associated with participation as well.  But 

Sue Smyth stepped up and offered to jump through the 

required hoops and organized a tremendous effort to 

represent PBGVs at this incredibly well-attended exhibi-

tion.  Huge thanks to all who participated:  Shelley Bar-

clay, Doug Canfield, Coady Egan and her parents, Megan 

& Dave Esherick, Jana Kolpen, Pat & Nick Reading, Mona 

Stiles and Sue Smyth.  Also amazing is how well the dogs 

did in the crush of people all clamoring to get their hands 

on our happy little 



gility also took place 

over the weekend 

and we are excited that 

our breed was represent-

ed by Megan Esherick 

with her girls Chili and 

Salsa.  Amazingly, both 

girls ‘Qualified’ complet-

ing the course with no 

DQ faults (which can be 

an incredible feat for 

PBGVs at any show, but 

at a show with 

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