62 Saber Tails Summer 2019

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America


PBGVCA Annual Membership Meeting

Kerrville, Texas

April 13, 2019

President Susannah cooper called the meeting to order at 4:39 

pm CDT. There were 44 members present.

Jo Quintenz addressed concerns that the electronic voting pro-

cedures used by the Club were not following AKC guidelines.

Lindley Henson discussed her concerns that she had relayed to 

Susannah about the election.

Motion #04-19-07 (Henson, second Krieck)

 Move to ap-

prove the minutes from the 2018 National Annual Member-

ship Meeting in Reno. Motion passed.

Gloria reported that the club had $69,773.27 in assets during 

the 2017-2018 fiscal year.

Motion #04-19-08 (Henson, second Clugston)

 Move to ap-

prove the financial report.

Jo Anne Hacker reported that 4 non-Board members each 

took one quarter of the Clubs financial reports to audit. Ev-

erything was in order.

New Business:

Vickie Willmann asked that we change the Hunt Class entry 


Motion #04-19-05 (Willmann, second Swain)

 Move to 

change that Hunt Class entries must have a Junior Hunter title 

or higher to enter the hunt class at the PBGVCA National and 

associated specialties. Motion passed.

Laura Liscum reported that the PBGVCA has accumulated 

$600 in our Donor Advised Fund that the AKC will match. 

She discussed the various CHF grants that would be of inter-

est to our Club. The Board chose to contribute to the 2532-A 


02532-A http://www.akcchf.org/research/research-portfo-

lio/2532.html  02532-A: Canine Influenza: Occurrence, Spa-

tial and Temporal Trends and Identifying Modifiable Factors 

to Reduce Transmission at Events in the United States 

Motion #04-19-06 (Hacker, second Elledge) 

Move to send 

our DAF funds to the CHF to help fund the 2532-A grant. 

Motion passed.

Meeting Adjourned:

 11:36 a.m. CDT

Next Meeting: 

 Monday May 10, 2019, 7:30 pm CDT

Megan Esherick reported that the 2020 National would be at 

the Roberts Centre in Ohio. There would be a hunt off-site 

and everything else on-site. There will be RV hookups and is a 

very good location for a National.

Laura Liscum reported that Dr. Komaromy presented a great 

seminar on gene therapies with Beagles and is looking to get 

PBGVs involved in a similar trial.  Blood draws will contin-

ue to be paid for by the Health Foundation if not able to be 

drawn during National.  The Health Foundation recommends 

we use UK testing because the USA company does not cover 

PBGVs. The Foundation will reimburse $50 for any PBGV, 

1 year or older, going to a Veterinarian Ophthalmologist for 

their exam.

Members are asked to check the accuracy of their information 

and update if needed. Jo Quintenz does not get verification of 

“cleared by parentage” from the AHT. Please send the results 

to Jo with a copy of the certificate. Dr. Komaromy suggests 

testing clear parent to clear parent. The Club only recognizes 2 

generations of clear by parentage.

The Club donated 16 oxygen masks to the Kerrville Fire De-

partment. In August Peggy Evanich and Laura Liscum will at-

tend the Health Conference in St. Louis, MO.

An article on estate planning was discussed. The Club has 

“Stella” in rescue will all expenses paid by a trust bequeathed 

to the Foundation.

With no further business the meeting was adjourned at 5:26 

pm CDT.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holoubek


Deadline for 

Fall 2019 

Saber Tails 

is September15th.