34 Saber Tails Summer 2019

Winners Bitch from BBE who had the proper outline, 

was compact, had very strong, sound rear movement 

and was strongly muscled throughout her body and hind 

Reserve Winners bitch #22 also from BBE – who had a 

pleasing head and expression with strong side movement, 

keeping her balance and topline while in motion.
Veteran dogs – 1st to #29 (best veteran + AOM) with 

a strong topline, compact outline and with the harshest 

coat.  All these boys seemed thrilled to be in the ring and 

I really enjoyed seeing all of them with great freedom & 

smoothness of side gait.  All of them were in better mus-

cular condition than the veteran bitches. 
Veteran bitches – 1st to #34 who was the most compact, 

with the best topline and shoulder in the class.
Hunt bitches – 1st to #44 (also Select bitch) who had 

a great outline, proper slightly longer leg than ½ the 

height, good shoulder and very strong topline with harsh 

coat. She was a solid mover from all sides.
The Best of Breed class was glorious and toward the end 

it was difficult to separate some of the entries due to the 

consistent, high quality.  It was necessary “to get picky” 

about some of the things that passed muster in the classes.
BOB to #46 a lovely bitch who has everything in the 

right place and keeps it all together as she flows around 

the ring with ease.  She is light on her feet while still cov-

Award of Merit

& Best Veteran Dog

GCHS HiCotton Can’t Stop Rockin’

Breeders: Sandy Bustin & Susannah Cooper  •  Owners:  Beverly & Tony Childs

Select Bitch/Owner-Handler Best of Breed

CH Mirepoix’s Straight Up JH CGC TKN PCSH

Breeders: Jan Zigich & Ross Litman

Owners:  Tim & Vickie Willmann

Award of Merit

GCH Centerstage Hot Ticket

Breeders:  Diana Immordino & Patricia Whitlock

Owner:  Patricia Whitlock

Conformation Judge’s Comments 

by Linda Scanlon

ering a lot of ground without looking like she is working 

hard as her balance is so spot-on.  She gives the appear-

ance of being able to go all day.  She was in decent muscle 

with a harsh coat, great reach of neck, low hocks, strong 

topline and nicely constructed front.
BOS to #49 (who was pushed hard for this spot by his 

sire, my best veteran).  He had many of the same virtues 

as BOB and with the preferred proportion of slightly 

longer foreleg, however he was working a bit harder on 

the move with the cadence slightly less even. 
