Summer 2019 Saber Tails 29    

Triathlon Competition

The 2019 Triathlon offered some new events this year.  

For the first time earning the Canine Good Citizen, Ca-

nine Good Citizen Advanced or a Trick Dog title could 

count as one of the qualifying events. Two AKC Scent 

Work Trials were offered for the first time. Two levels of 

Triathlon awards were offered. To earn a regular Triath-

lon Award the dog must be entered in at least three dif-

ferent disciplines and qualify in three disciplines.  For the 

Beginner Triathlon award the dog must be entered in at 

least three disciplines but only needs to qualify in two 

of them.  Having to enter three different disciplines en-

courages PBGV owners to try different things with their 

Agility started off the events that would count towards 

the Triathlon.  Two trials were held on the same day, off 

site at a facility only a short drive from the show hotel.  

Some great runs took place and some dogs found run-

ning on dirt a bit of a challenge.  All dogs entered in the 

Agility Trial were also Triathlon participants.  
Obedience saw five dogs earning qualifying runs to count 

toward their Triathlon.  High in Trial each day came out 

of the Novice B class. Rally had some good entries with 

most dogs qualifying. As usual there was a few PBGVs 

who decided to do Obedience and Rally their way.
Next on the agenda were two Scent Work trials that were 

a great success. Sixty entries were allowed for each trial.  

The morning trial filled with the afternoon trial only fall-

ing short a few runs. The majority of dogs doing scent 

work were in the Novice classes.  At the first briefing the 

Scent Work judge asked if this was anybody’s first trial.  

When about two thirds of the people raised their hand the 

judge said “Oh my.” Most dogs entered qualified at least 

once and several dogs qualified in all their runs.  Owners 

and their PBGVs seemed to enjoy doing scent work!

New Events Highlighted at 2019 Triathlon Competition!

A Trick Dog seminar held on Friday night was well at-

tended.  There were a lot of things there to help PBGVs 

learn to do tricks.  By the end of the seminar dogs were 

able to test and earn a Trick Dog title.  Next was the op-

portunity to earn a Canine Good Citizen or Canine Good 

Citizen Advanced title.  A nice-sized group of PBGVs 

took advantage of this and earned a CGC or CGCA title.
The 2020 National will be held the second full week of 

April at the very dog friendly Roberts Centre in Wilm-

ington, Ohio.  PBGVs will have the chance to enter 

many different events to earn a Triathlon Award.  There 

will be two Agility Trials in the ballroom on nice agility 

flooring.  Two Obedience and two Rally Trials will be of-

fered along with two Scent Work Trials.   There will also 

be the chance to earn the Canine Good Citizen, Canine 

Good Citizen Advanced, and Trick Dog titles. 
Following the National in Wilmington there will be a 

3-day hunt test only a few short hours away.  The first day 

is a day of practice and a chance to get the dogs out on 

the field and be mentored by experienced handlers and 

their dogs. Spectators can go out on the field and watch 

other dogs and handlers.  The next two days are test days.  

There is a Hunting Instinct Test for beginner PBGVs 

who have never hunted at a hunt test before.  Hunt tests 

have a laid back atmosphere and are a great place to un-

wind and spend some time watching the PBGV do what 

it was bred to do.
As you can see there will be a lot of different things you 

and your PBGVs can participate in at the next national.  

So select at least three things to start to work on and be-

come a part of the Triathlon in 2020. 


7 Dogs qualified in 3 disciplines or events 

6 Dogs qualified in 2 disciplines or events 

1 Dog qualified in 1 discipline or event 

15 Dogs were Champions or Grand Champions

7 Dogs were males

11 Dogs were females