Summer 2019 Saber Tails 15    

I would like to tell all of you 

how much I appreciate your 

choosing me to judge the 2019 

PBGVCA National. I truly en-

joyed myself.

I was most pleased to see so 

many pro sternums and great 

shoulder layback on so many of 

the young puppies.  Unfortu-

nately it seemed the more ma-

ture dogs were lacking this important trait.  As a matter 

of fact, most had the pro sternums groomed in. The word 

must have gotten out that I don’t like over groomed dogs 

so there were a few but for the most part the exhibits 

were casual and tosseled. My main focus was on move-

ment. My thought process was, “Could this dog hunt in 

Vendeen, France, all day successfully?”

National Conformation Judge’s Comments 

by Carol Doerge

My BISS I believed was an excellent representative of 

our precious breed, especially for his age. He was a great 

mover, good coat texture and truly wanted the prize. I 

was most impressed. My BOS also had fantastic move-

ment. The BOW will have a great future in the ring as he 

possessed all the features he needed to succeed.

Selection of my Select Dog and Bitch and my Awards of 

Merit was very difficult since they all had excellent move-

ment and were structurally outstanding.

Overall I was very pleased with all my entries and I hope 

everyone was pleased with the outcome. I hope in the 

future I will have the honor to judge this breed we all love 

and adore.  Thank you again! 


Best of Breed ~ National Specialty, April 11, 2019

GCHS HiCotton Can’t Stop Rockin’

Breeders:  Sandy Bustin & Susannah Cooper   •   Owners:  Beverly & Tony Childs