14 Saber Tails Summer 2019

I was so very honored to judge 

Puppy and Veteran’s Sweep-

stakes at the 2019 National Spe-

cialty in Kerrville, Texas.  This 

was the first time (and likely the 

last) to be on the other end of 

the ‘leash’ and I learned a lot!

I was impressed with the con-

sistently good coats both in the 

puppies and veteran classes.  I 

did not see even one questionable bite throughout the 

classes.  Nearly all entries demonstrated correct layback 

of shoulder and straight fronts.  I found more variation 

in the ratio of body length to height with the designation 

of  ‘somewhat longer than tall’ a particularly tough nit 

to pick!  I would have preferred a bit more leg on some 

entries but looked for balance overall particularly when 


National Sweepstakes Judge’s Comments 

by Jo Quintenz

In the puppy classes it was challenging to pick the Best 

Puppy over the Best of Opposite Sex and both entries 

were very worthy and very well presented.  In the end 

I focused on the ‘petit’ and selected a lovely bitch with 

great type and personality over a very worthy puppy dog.  

It was lovely to see the conditioning and soundness in 

the veteran’s classes.  Movement was strong and smooth 

reflective of the active hounds they undoubtedly are.  It 

was in the veteran’s classes that the shortness of leg was 

most noticeable but taken in the context of overall bal-

ance the Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran drew attention 

to her outstanding type and temperament and won out 

over some very nice competition.

I was pleased at the size and quality of the Sweepstakes 

entry presented to me.  It gives us a look forward into the 

future of the breed with a nod to where we have come 

from.  As we honor our past it is reassuring to note that 

the future of the breed appears to be bright! 


Best in Sweepstakes

CH Crepu Visage Aged to Perfection at Stonehouse PCJH CGCU

Breeders:  Sandy Bustin & Susannah Cooper

Owners:  Beverly & Tony Childs & Sandy Bustin

Best Opposite Sex in Sweepstakes

M&M Stellar Spotify

Breeders:  Donna Moore & Sara Robertson & Wendy Doherty

Owners:  Janice Hayes & Donna Moore & Eric Ciceron & Wendy Doherty

Best in Veteran Sweepstakes

GCHB Jaren’s Put A Girl in It

Breeder/Owner:  Karen S. Prott-Clugston