Fall 2018  Saber Tails 79    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

This Sweepstakes program gives every breeder and owner the opportunity to experience success and be recognized 

for their sires’ and dams’ ranking without requiring them to defeat the professional handlers, experienced breeder or 

seasoned exhibitor. The national Sweepstakes makes success believable, achievable and within reach of all breeders 

and owners in every breed. 



Table 1:  List of Breeds in Alphabetical Order

Table 2: Stud Book Listing of Breeds Based on Numbers of Litters in Descending Order

Table 3: Low Entry Breeds

Table 4: Bottom 60 Breeds


Registration Return Rate for AKC Dogs

Registration Statistics with Simple Return Rate

To review Dr. Battaglia’s article in full, including the Appendices and Graphs, please refer to the published article which 

can be found on his website: 


less a written request for exemption, including specifics, is sent to the Board of Directors, PBGVCA, for consideration and

determination.  Motion passed with Cohen, Elledge, Gallant, Phillips, Scheer, and Willmann voting for and Holoubek, 

Swaine, and Quintenz voting against.

New Business: Veronica reported on the problems that are happening with the Yahoo Group email with attachments. 

She has investigated other similar services and the costs of such service.  Motion #05‐18‐05 (Cohen, second Holoubek) 

Move to try Google Mail for a cost of $1 a month, $10 a year. Motion passed.

AKC approved Hunt Test – Vickie and Andy will write a letter to the AKC to ask for the price of applying for a Hunt Title be

lowered from $50.

Next Meeting: June 11, 2018

Meeting adjourned at 9:18 p.m. CST.

Respectfully submitted,

Stephanie Holoubek

Recording Secretary

Cont’d from p 32