Fall 2018  Saber Tails 69    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

The Jennifer King Estate PBGV Memorabilia Donation 

to the PBGV Health and Rescue Foundation

By Susan Smyth


ennifer King was a founding member of the PBGV Club of America, head librarian for the Mercer County (NJ) Library, 

and an avid collector of PBGV items.  She showed in conformation and her PBGV, Eloise, tied with one of our L’Avocat 

PBGVs as the first two females to finish after AKC moved PBGVs 

to regular status in the Hound Group. In addition, her girl Maud 

was the first PBGV to earn an agility title!  Sadly, Jennifer passed 

away in October 2016.  All that was left of her happy, close-knit 

family was her sister, who was still living on the family farm in 

Freehold, New Jersey.  Jennifer’s sister, Laurel, contacted me in 

May 2018.  She had decided to sell the property and asked if the 

Foundation would like to have Jennifer’s PBGV memorabilia.  Of 

course, I gladly accepted. 


aurel and I met at the Freehold cluster shows on Memorial 

Day weekend.  Many beautiful items were loaded into my car 

including jewelry, pictures, antique books, framed prints, signs, a 

flag, a color photo of Elizabeth Streeter and her PBGV foot-pack, 

a sketch of Alexander (the PBGV who started it all), a keepsake 

box, picture frames, pen and ink sketches, collector’s plates, an 

etched glass serving platter, a wooden toy PBGV on wheels, and 

a glass display with a stuffed PBGV.  In total, over 50 items were 

donated to the Foundation!


he Foundation is very grateful to Jennifer’s family for their 

wonderful donation.  Our plan is to offer the items to the 

PBGV community via an online auction.  The auction will be your 

opportunity to add to your PBGV art and keepsake collection!  

The proceeds of the auction will be used to support our rescue 

and health initiatives.


etails on the future auctions of these collectibles will be announced soon in an email blast to the membership.  Stay 

tuned for further information!

FYI...Did you know???

The PBGV Health & Rescue Foundation welcomes your donation of PBGV-related items.  Items may be donated when 

you downsize or bequeathed to the Foundation in your will.  They will bring joy to another PBGV lover and raise funds 

for the mission of the Foundation.  Please see our webpage for more information on donating to the Foundation:


Jennifer King judged sweeps at the 2002 PBGVCA National Specialty 

and is pictured here with Megan Esherick and Betty Barth