Fall 2018  Saber Tails 53    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America


The 2019 PBGVCA National Specialty in Texas is about 6 months away.  But it is NEVER too early to start planning 

for future shows.  The 2020 PBGVCA National Specialty will be hel in Wilmington, Ohio and we need all the volun-

teer assistance we can get!  

Volunteers are needed to assist with Hospitality and Welcome Bags for the 2020 National Specialty. The show 

will be held at the Roberts Center in Wilmington, Ohio from April 14-18, 2020. Duties would include orga-

nizing club meals, soliciting donations for welcome bags, and preparing the bags themselves. Please email 

Megan Esherick at ClancyPBGV@gmail.com to volunteer or for more information.

PLEASE NOTE:  The “AKC Delegate’s Report” in the Summer edition of Saber Tails featured a summary of the June 11-

12, 2018 AKC Delegates’ Meeting.   The report featured incorrect dates of March 11 and 12 within the body of the re-

port.  However, the topics addressed and information included were in summation of the June meeting.  As of the time 

of this printing, there are no new notes available for the recent September meeting.  All available reports related to the 

AKC Delegates’ Meetings in the Fall and Winter (if available at the time of printing the winter edition of Saber Tails), will 

be included in the Winter issue.

As you are hopefully aware from the email blasts that were sent out in Sep-

tember, the summer edition of Saber Tails was tremendously delayed and 

even went out in the ‘proof’ version rather than the edited version.  While 

we had enjoyed a very good relationship with a print vendor in the Hous-

ton, TX area - a recent buy/sell and the abrupt termination of our account 

representative caused a number of problems with getting the issue printed 

and mailed.  We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your pa-

tience.  The editor received a number of extra copies as over-runs so please 

contact Tiffany Cannon at alwayspbgv@aol.com if you need a replacement 

issue sent to you.  We know that Saber Tails is the only thing most mem-

bers ‘get’ for their membership and we strive to always make it something 

you look forward to receiving.  

On another note, you will notice that we are having more and more club 

members submitting articles of interest, recipes, etc.  We really appreciate 

it and want Saber Tails to represent a diversity of experiences and to be a 

platform for knowledge sharing for our members.  I know how much I enjoy 

going through my issue when it arrives at the house and hope you all do as well.

Tiffany Cannon is still hoping someone will step up and be able to take over as editor, but with the assistance of several 

club members such as Beverly Childs, Vickie Willmann and Lindley Henson as well as the members of the Editorial Com-

mittee providing assistance in marshalling articles and content and proofreading, the job is becoming more manage-

able.  Burn out is the “killer” of a lot of clubs and we hope to start getting more members involved to spread some of the 

work load.  We have quite a few Committee chairs who are wearing a lot of hats!  Please let the Board know if you have 

time to serve on a committee and want to get more involved.  No experience necessary!

We hope to see some new names in the January edition of Saber Tails.  See page 52 for articles we’d like to feature!  

Send your stories or ideas to Lindley Henson (lindleyhenson@yahoo.com) or Beverly Childs (bevchilds@bellsouth.net).