26 Saber Tails Fall 2018

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

PBGVCA Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call . Monday - May 14, 2018

In Attendance:  Bob Cohen, Susannah Cooper, Andy Elledge, Anne Gallant, Stephanie Holoubek, Lora Megli, Nancy Phil-

lips, Jo Quintenz, Veronica Scheer, Gloria Swaine, Vickie Willmann

Absent: Sandy Bustin

Susannah called the meeting to order at 7:36 p.m. CST

President’s Report: Susannah Cooper reported that there was a quorum for the Annual meeting in Reno.

Vice President’s Report: NTR

Recording Secretary’s Report: Stephanie Holoubek thanked Andy Elledge for taking the minutes in her absence.

Motion #05‐18‐01 (Megli, second Quintenz) Move to approve the Minutes from April meeting as amended. Motion 

passed with Cohen, Holoubek, and Scheer abstaining.

It is time to send out the ballots for Judges voting for the 2020 National. Jo Quintenz will chair the Teller’s Committee.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report:  NTR

Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Swaine reported that Club assets as of April 30 total $82,436.72. Overall, there was a net loss for

the month of April of $2,722.01. Through April there was a net loss in General activities of $13,169.39 offset by net in-

comes of $2,429.94 in Hunt events and $5,526.47 in Show events. Income and expenses are still being processed for the 

2018 Specialty. This report does not include Show Secretary income and expenses. In addition, we have not yet received 

any invoices from the hotel. The club will end 2017‐18 with a deficit. The amount of the deficit has yet to be to be esti-

mated.  The Club does have a reserve that will absorb this deficit.

Motion #05‐18‐02 (Cohen, second Gallant) Move to approve $230 to purchase newest version of QuickBooks. Motion 


Delegate’s Report: Anne Gallant reported that there are several amendments up for a vote.

Motion #05‐18‐03 (Quintenz, second Cohen) Move to approve Anne Gallant voting as she deems appropriate. Motion


2018 National Specialty Report:  All emails have been sent and everything that needed to be shipped has been shipped.

2019 National Specialty Report:  Lora reported that the Obedience, Rally, 4 to 6 Puppy, and Scent Work Judges have been

sent contracts.

2020 National Specialty Report: NTR other than needing a Co‐chair for conformation.

Rescue: NTR

Saber Tails:  NTR