Fall 2018  Saber Tails 25    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

a trial run at the Roberts Center and Vickie Willmann will explore the site. Motion: #4-18-04 (Gallant, second Swaine)

Move that the club for the 2020 National and Regional Specialty suspend rotation and investigate the Roberts Center. 

Motion passed unanimously.

2021 National Specialty –Jo Quintenz said that Lindley Henson suggested Tucson, AZ at the Double Tree and Lindley 

will get a proposal.

Saber Tails: - Discussed Restructuring – Jo Quintenz talked with Chuck Norman. We need an Editor/Layout Person/

Co-editors an editorial team consisting of advertising/marketing, duties, recurring features, health, breeder education, 

conformation, hunt, & proof readers. With more people involved much less work for the editor.

Kitty Steidel – Judges Education Committee - joined the group. She needs money to pay for the costs of mentor fold-

ers which contain mentor cards, miscellaneous copying, name tags, folders, must reads, CDs, pictures of PBGVs heads/

styles, old illustrated standard showing different hounds, using common sense grooming, comparison of type, 1994 

article, etc. 

Motion: #4-18-05 (Quintenz, second Gallant) budget judges education committee not to exceed $800 to pay for sup-

plies. Motion passed unanimously.

Kitty needs pictures of not so nice/incorrect standard of PBGVs.

Old Business: - Show Manual Update – Anne Gallant – Those on the committee are: Anne Gallant, Helen Ingher, Veronica 

Scheer, and Vickie Willmann. The committee is working on reformatting and shortening the show manual as well as 

making a template for the premium list. Pam Helmer is the permanent show advisor.

New Business: - Susannah Cooper – We need to get the Constitution & By Laws updated/approved by AKC. Stephanie 

Holoubek will send AKC a letter.

Feasibility Study for National Specialty – Anne Gallant – A committee consisting of Janice Hayes, Pam Helmer, Gloria 

Swaine, Jan Zigich, and Vickie Willmann-Chair, was appointed to study the impact of rotation, pros and cons of embed-

ded show(s), single show(s), trends, input from membership, etc. based on data.

Next Meeting: - May 14, 2018

Respectfully Submitted, 

Andy Elledge

Corresponding Secretary