Fall 2017  Saber Tails 29    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

New Business:

Canine College – Anne discussed that the Club needs to check the AKC version of PBGV Canine College and compare 

it with the PBGVCA version. The BOD should have final approval of the version presented. Tiffany will contact Bob and 

Susannah to check and see if there has been communication with Sue.

Code of Conduct/Best Practices: Jo discussed the two documents and the possibility of combining the two. Jo will work 

on a “first” version.

Pedigree Database Quote: Veronica received a quote from the programmer to create a Clinical Health Records module 

for every dog in the database.

Motion #06-17-01 (Quintenz, second Bustin) Move to budget $3000 for programming costs on the Pedigree Database 

next year.  Motion passed.

Mid-Year Meeting: Lora asked the hotel to furnish dates from September to the 1st of November for the BOD site visit. 

As soon as she has received the dates, Andy will send out a survey poll to select the best dates.

Meeting adjourned at 9:22 pm CDT.

Next Meeting July 10, 2017

Respectfully submitted,
Stephanie Holoubek

Saber Tails

Individual Copies for Sale

Additional copies of Saber Tails are available for individual purchase as supplies last.  A certain 

number of over-runs are produced by the printer with each issue of Saber Tails.  If you would like to order an addition-

al copy, you may do so now.  Purchase price is $10.00 for each copy - includes postage for those mailed to addresses 

in the United States.  Additional postage required for overseas delivery.

Send requests to Tiffany Cannon at alwayspbgv@aol.com.  Send checks made payable to PBGVCA to PBGVCA, PO Box 

26716, Phoenix, AZ  85068.  Be sure to include a note with your payment indicating the check is for additional Saber 

Tails  and confirm to quantity being ordered and the delivery address.