Fall 2017  Saber Tails 25    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

PBGVCA Board Meeting Minutes

Conference Call . Monday - April 10, 2017

In Attendance:  Sandy Bustin, Tiffany Cannon, Bob Cohen, Susannah Cooper, Anne Gallant, Lindley Henson, Stephanie 

Holoubek, Lora Megli, Jo Quintenz, Veronica Scheer, Gloria Swaine, Vickie Willmann.   

Absent: Mike Williquette

Tiffany called the meeting to order at 7:34pm CDT.

President: NTR

V. President Report:  Bob reported that he had sent the draft for the Foster Dog Manual to the Board for review. He is 

continuing to work on the Foster Application, Adoption Agreement and Surrender agreement.

Recording Secretary Report: NTR other than the Board needed to approve the minutes from the Annual Board Meeting 

that Susannah prepared.

Motion #04-17-01 (Cooper, second Bustin) Move to approve the Minutes from the Annual Board Meeting in Charlotte. 

Motion passed. (Holoubek and Cohen abstained, Williquette absent)

Corresponding Secretary Report: Susannah reported that a mailing would be going out soon about Judge’s Selection 

for the 2019 Regional/National that will be in Texas. Sweepstakes judges will be Katherine Howell and Jo Quintenz. 

Names of Judge’s to be voted on include Linda Scanlon, Gloria Geringer, Janice Schreiber, Carol Doerge, and Dana Cline.

Treasurer’s Report: NTR

Delegate’s Report: NTR

Saber Tails: NTR Tiffany questioned when the Winner photos from National would be available. Veronica also requested 

photos to put on the website.

Old Business: Jo questioned/discussed discrepancies with Logo item sizes at National. It was suggested that since the 

vendor in Indiana was easy to work with that it might be prudent to use the same Vendor each year.  Scheduling issues 

were also discussed as the actual schedule did not match the published schedule. Part of this was due to room availabil-

ity. It was also suggested that the schedule should pinpoint the actual room locations and to utilize the Hotel message 

board to announce schedule/room changes.

Handler Language – Anne asked for a report on what the member wanted to discuss about the professional handlers 

at the membership meeting. Vickie explained what they want to bring up but we did not receive a write up of what the 

change was. 

Next Meeting: Monday, April 10, 2017 5:30PM PST/6:30PM MST/7:30PM CST/8:30PM EST 

Meeting adjourned 1PM EDT 

Respectfully submitted, 

Susannah Cooper - PBGVCA Corresponding Secretary on behalf of Stephanie Holoubek – Recording Secretary 

Approved 4/10/17