24 Saber Tails Fall 2017

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

Database Veronica will ask the membership to look at the information in the database to make sure their information is 


Tiffany asked Helen to give an updated report now that 2 years have passed since we began POAG testing. Discussion 

took place regarding many POAG topics. 

Jo Quintenz discussed the “cause of death” category in the database. A question of whether cause of death could be 

searchable. Veronica reported that anything is searchable but needs to be programmed. 

Show manual lives in Google docs. Helen was working off an older file and the layout was different. When changes are 

made we need to use the google doc for the change. Veronica recommends that she make the changes to the show 

manual in order to keep one copy of it. 

Anne brought up that the Premium list needs to come to the Board for review it is in the manual but didn’t happen this 

year. Anne drafted the rounding for AOM last year but it didn’t make it into the manual. The manual needs to be main-

tained or it is not a benefit to the show chair. 

Veronica suggested we take the current version and make a working copy for people to review and send suggested 

changes. Would need a small group to review and suggest changes. 

Anne asked about approving the organizational chart so people know the work flow. 

Trophy Curator – Tiffany will take them home after this year, get them engraved and transport to Reno. 

Online Balloting – Stephanie is looking into this and we are hoping to have it in place next year. Opt out will have to go 

out with renewal for next year. 

Board Yahoo Site – A question was raised if we are still looking at alternatives to Yahoo groups and archiving docs. Ve-

ronica reported that Bob is going to pull all docs from Yahoo and Veronica will put the documents in folders on our web 

hosting site. The Board will have access to the files. 

New Business 

Question was brought up about how to replace Susannah and the procedure. Susannah will resign prior to the end of 

her term and the Board will need to nominate and vote on a replacement. 

YouTube Clips – Lora Megli said Gary offers YouTube clips and Lora wanted to know how much we charged for it. Gary 

suggested selling it for $30. Vickie said we didn’t sell much last time this took place. Lora will see for $30 if any interest. 

Communications – Jo Quintenz discussed communications and Liaisons. We need to respect the Liaisons and not have 

several people involved. Going forward we need to discuss what committees need Liaisons and similar committees 

should have the same Liaisons. Show Liaison should probably provide the report for National reporting and not make 

Pam attend every call. 

Website - Veronica discussed keeping the website up to date. Lindley will work with Veronica on trying to keep the 

website up to date. 

Show Inventory - Tiffany wants to have an inventory of what she is taking home from the show and whether or not we 

really need to drive everything around each year. Gloria suggested that some items might be able to be bought and 

kept in each region. Will discuss further on the next call once Tiffany inventories the items.