Winter 2016  Saber Tails 73    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

blanket, first puppy to wander off, in the backyard exploring by himself, away from 

the litter (with his nose to the ground – in typical Peeb style!) and first puppy to make 

his way up a set of stairs.  All of this “told” us this little boy was independent, a self-

starter, brave, curious and had a sense of adventure – all traits we were looking – and 

hoping – for.

Although we initially wanted to fly to Poland to bring Toujours home with us in the 

plane cabin, Paulina explained Toujours would fly to us via Lufthansa Airlines from 

Warsaw to Frankfurt, Germany at Lufthansa’s Animal Lounge (https://www.luf- – the largest and most advanced 

animal station at any airport in the world.  Studying their website and animal ameni-

ties, we knew Toujours would be in the best of hands – and we would drive from the 

farm in Oregon to Seattle, Washington to welcome him into our family.  

As Paulina made the online reservation for Toujours’ flight, she immediately emailed us his flight confirmation and at the 

same moment, a Lufthansa representative phoned us to confirm the information. Wow – were we ever impressed!  The 

Lufthansa representative explained what time we should arrive at SEA-TAC airport and that she would be working when 

Toujours landed – and would oversee Toujours and his arrival.  She said he’d be checked 

by a U.S. vet – and during his layover in Frankfurt, he’d be checked twice by veterinarians 

there and would always be supervised by well-trained animal technicians present at all 

times.  She gave me her phone number and email and assured us Toujours would enjoy a 

good flight.

When we arrived at SEA-TAC and entered the international animal receiving building, we 

were delighted to be greeted with, “Hello!  Are you here for the adorable puppy from Po-

land?”  Wow again!  She continued, “We visited on the phone - your puppy’s fine – the vet’s 

examining him now and he’ll be right out!”

When we met Toujours, we first visited with him as he sat in his travel kennel – so not to 

frighten him.  Tom said, “Hi Toujours! I’m your Daddy!”  Then me: “Hi Toujours! I’m your 

Mommy!”  Toujours quickly came forward, sniffed our outstretched fingers and began 

wagging his tail.  Then, we gently opened the kennel door and continued talking to him, 

offering him kibbles – which he quickly accepted and enthusiastically ate.  Then, with arms 

outstretched, we invited Toujours to come to us.  Instantaneously, he leaped into our arms 

and covered our faces with puppy kisses and rubbed his head against ours.  Our darling 

doggy was home, in our arms, in our family and in our lives forever, at last!

Ten months later, we attended the 2015 PBGV National in Tucson, Arizona, where we were thrilled Toujours was reunited 

with Jette – when she and her husband, Christian, travelled to Tucson for her to judge the 11 puppy and seven veteran 

sweepstakes entrants.  Most touching to us was having Jette groom, “stack” and share time, once again, with Toujours. 

Toujours’ life had come full-circle.

What characteristics do you most appreciate about your PBGV?

Our nicknames for Toujours are our “Sonshine” and “Joy Boy.” PBGV’s are eternally happy, optimistic and bring out the 

best in people. We think when nations negotiate with one another, if they would have a PBGV at the table, the negotiations 

would be kinder, meaningful and the outcome much-more positive.

PBGV’s are exceptionally intelligent. Toujours has a wide-vocabulary and understands when we talk in sentences – not 

just one-word commands. He always wants to learn something new and his enthusiasm when he’s (very quickly!) mastered 

a new scent, learned a new phrase or request is exhilarating.  His memory is remarkable. He remembers each approach-

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