Winter 2016  Saber Tails 59    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

MOTION: 08-16-03 (Willmann, second Megli) Move to ap-

prove the Wisconsin and Indiana Hunt and Budget. Mo-

tion passed.

MOTION: 08-16-04 (Quintenz, second Henson) Move to 

approve the North Carolina, Mid New Jersey and South 

Carolina Hunts. Motion passed.

Next Meeting: September 12, 2016

Meeting adjourned: 9:27 p.m. Central

Vote by email August 12, 2016

MOTION: 08-16-05 (Willmann, second Cohen) Move that 

PBGVCA Hunt Titles will be eligible for Award plaques 

starting in 2016.  For 2016 only, PBGVCA will allow mem-

bers to apply for a plaque with all PBGVCA hunt titles 

earned in 2016 or earlier.  There after all hunt title award 

plaques must be applied for in the year the hunt titles are 

earned. Motion passed.

Vote by email August 25, 2016

MOTION: 08:16:06 (Cannon, second Willmann) Move to 

approve the April Board Meeting minutes. Motion passed.

PBGVCA Board of Directors Conference Call Minutes

Monday, September 12, 2016

In Attendance:  Sandy Bustin, Tiffany Cannon, Bob Cohen, 

Susannah Cooper, Stephanie Holoubek, Lora Megli, Gloria 

Swaine, Jo Quintenz, Vickie Willmann, Mike Williquette

Calling in late:  Lindley Henson

Absent:  Anne Gallant

President’s Report:  Tiffany reported she had received in-

formation asking us to consider putting Club information 

in the AKC Family Dog Magazine. There are 6 issues per 

year and the cost would be $200 per issue. The Board con-

sensus was that we would not participate.

Vice President’s Report:  Bob Cohen had NTR

Recording Secretary’s Report: Stephanie Holoubek asked 

the Board to approve the August minutes.

Motion #09-16-01 (Cooper, second Megli) Move to ap-

prove the August Minutes. Motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report:  Susannah Cooper re-

ported that the Judges selected for 2018 were Bill Shelton, 

National Specialty; Mary Anne Brocious, Regional Spe-

cialty; Tiffany Cannon, National Sweepstakes; Sue Smyth, 

Regional Sweepstakes. Susannah will send a letter to the 

membership with approved Judges to nominate for 2019.

Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Swaine reported effective July 1, 

2016, the Club's financial year (fiscal year) will be from July 

to June. Previously the financial year was based upon the 

calendar year. The new fiscal year better reflects the finan-

cial activities of the Club. There were very few transactions 

in the month of September. Club assets total $76,297.83. 

Overall, the net loss as of September 2016 is $1,050.24. 

This includes a net loss of $748.93 in General operations, 

a net income of $325.00 in Hunt activities and a net loss of 

$517.94 in Show Event activities.


Delegate’s Report:  NTR - Anne Gallant was absent.

Saber Tails:  Tiffany Cannon reported there would be 84 

pages and was almost complete. This issue should go out 

the end of September.

Old Business: 


Mid Year Meeting will be held October 29, 2016. Bob sug-

gested we use conference call sessions for Budget. Gloria 

will have a suggested plan for the October meeting. Su-

sannah was asked to resend the Hotel information to the 


Lindley Henson joined the Call at 8:00 pm Central.

New Business:

Motion #09-16-02 (Quintenz, second Cohen) Move to ap-

Cont’d from previous page

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