58 Saber Tails Winter 2016

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

PBGVCA Board of Directors Conference Call Minutes

Monday, August 8, 2016

In Attendance: Tiffany Cannon, Bob Cohen, Susannah 

Cooper, Anne Gallant, Lindley Henson, Stephanie Ho-

loubek, Lora Megli, Gloria Swaine, Jo Quintenz, Vickie Will-

mann, Mike Williquette. 

Absent: Sandy Bustin

Delegate’s Report:  Anne Gallant reported that in Septem-

ber there would be 2 AKC Delegate votes and that she 

was in agreement for parts of the proposed amendments.  

She would continue her research and update the Board 

on her findings. 

President’s Report: Tiffany Cannon reported that the date 

on the Judges Ballots would be corrected.  The question 

of Club dues was discussed. It will be put on the Septem-

ber Agenda.  

Vice President’s Report: Bob Cohen had NTR.

Recording Secretary’s Report: Stephanie Holoubek report-

ed that the following minutes needed to be approved.

April Minutes- There was discussion on the correct word-

ing of the Motion about Hunt Plaques.  Vickie will write 

the motion

and send it to Stephanie for the April Minutes.  The Board 

will vote to approve the April Minutes by email.

Special Board Meeting, June 9, 2016 (Corrected)

June minutes

July minutes 

MOTION #08-16-01 (Quintenz, second Megli) Approve all 

Minutes listed on Agenda except April minutes. Motion 


MOTION #08-16-02 (Willmann, second Williquette) Ap-

prove new members applicants Olga Kornienko & David 

Eisenbacher and Dina Manship Planche pending no neg-

ative feedback by August 13, 2016.  Motion passed.

Corresponding Secretary’s Report: Susannah Cooper had 


Treasurer’s Report: Gloria Swaine reported that effective 

July 1, 2016, the Club's financial year (fiscal year) would be 

from July to June. Previously the financial year was based 

upon the calendar year. The new fiscal year better reflects 

the financial activities of the Club. Main activities begin in 

September/October and end with the National Specialty 

in March/April/May. This the first report for the 2016-17 

fiscal year. Club assets total $77,684.98. Overall, the net 

loss for July 2016 is $3,501.86. This includes a net loss of 

$3,896.59 in General operations, a net income of $0.00 in 

Hunt activities and a net income of $394.73 in Show Event 


2017 National Specialty Report: Pam Helmer joined the 

call at 8 pm Central. Pam reported that Beverly was work-

ing on fundraising and trophies. The contract with the Su-

perintendent would go out on Tuesday, August 9, 2016.

2018 National Specialty Report: Pam Helmer reported 

that things were moving along with half of the committee 

positions filled. They are working on finding agility equip-

ment and have asked for bids from 2 Show Secretaries.

2019 National Specialty Report Pam reminded the Board 

that it was not too early to start thinking about 2019


Rescue: Pam Helmer reported that the new Foster Agree-

ment would be ready by the next meeting.


Saber Tails: Tiffany Cannon reported that Katherine is 

working on the next issue.

Old Business: 


Mid Year Meeting: Susannah reported that the Mid Year 

Meeting would be October 29 & 30. Sue Francois will ar-

range the Hotel accommodations and Susannah will let us 

know when we can book our rooms.

OFA CHIC# Issue: Lindley will send a query to Bob to post 

on the Parent Club list about changing a CHIC require-


New Business:

AHT Genome List: Susannah will contact the GBGV Club to 

possibly write a joint letter to be included on the list.

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