Winter 2016  Saber Tails 51    

Petit Basset Griffon Vendéen Club of America

Cont’d from previous page

next few days.  They delayed it a bit for the directory print-

ing to be included with Saber Tails.  It will be 88 pages and 

was a bit more expensive due to all the color for the spe-

cialty.  A question was asked about dropping the price of 

color ads.  Tiffany said they will look into it possibly start-

ing next year.  Deadline for next Saber Tails is August 15th.  

Old Business: 

Constitution and By-Laws Revision: Jo Quintenz reported 

that she still needs to get the revised Constitution and By-

laws up on the website.  They will be printed in booklet 

form and will be printed and included in the September 

issue of Saber Tails.  Extras will be made and sent to Andy 

Elledge to send out to new members.  

New Business:

Nominating Committee:  Bob Cohen will serve as a chair 

for the committee.  The Board provided some suggestions 

on people to contact in other regions.  Bob will reach out 

to them to see if they are willing to serve. 

Mid-Year Meeting:  Susannah will resend the doodle with 

some of the dates that worked for most and some addi-

tional options in November.   

Membership Dues:  Membership fee for associate mem-

bers was discussed.  We need to decide on Associate 

Membership dues and redo the membership forms.  

MOTION #07-16-03 (Cohen second Bustin) Moved to set 

the Associate Membership dues at $40.  Motion accepted 


Review Liaisons:  No one has left the Board so just check-

ing to see if anyone needs a reassignment.  Tiffany would 

like to talk about a little more oversight on what goes 

into the Gazette.  Bob will follow up with Sue to have the 

Gazette columns proofed by the editorial committee.  

Lindley will take over as liaison for the Gazette.  Vickie dis-

cussed the Year Book that Betty was working on. Vickie 

will follow up with Betty to see if she is still working on it, 

if not we will remove the committee.  

Vickie discussed the left over trophies from the National 

and asked if we take an inventory.  Susannah will contact 

Karen for an inventory.  The excess trophies will be sent 

to Vickie.  

The meeting was adjourned at 7:35PM Pacific

Next Meeting:  Monday, August 8, 2016 

Respectfully submitted,

Susannah Cooper 

Approved August 8, 2016

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